we help entrepreneurs

to buy & sell

exceptional businesses

We stand side by side with the tireless builders and growth-oriented leaders who seize challenges and growth opportunities with both hands. For those who think in terms of ‘and’ instead of ‘or’, we are an M&A advisor, a strategic sounding board, growth coach, and financial inspirator.

where our enthusiasm
is unparalleled

You can find us where a lot of value is created. Where it’s serious, and where financial, but certainly also strategic, structural, and operational mistakes need to be avoided. But everything starts with the dreams of the dreamers. Maybe we should talk about that. Better now than too late.

ready to sell your business?

We don’t just focus narrowly on the transaction itself, but also consider a sale as a growth optimization that should be preceded by essential strategic preparation.

determining valuation →
the sales process →

ready to buy
a business?

For most entrepreneurs, growth is more than a goal; it’s crucial and often the essence of success.

the purchase process →

you’re not quite ready yet?

Few are truly ready, but you can organize and professionalize as if you are (eventually) going to sell or buy. You are open to a sparring partner.

getting ready for sale →
growth coaching →

M&A doesn’t get more personal

We gladly let ‘old-school’ m&a processes, focused on the transaction, on just one type of buyer or seller, and that take a long time, pass us by. We welcome some speed, as well as some personality and commitment.